Bill Hackworth message

Bill Hackworth Dec 2024 Message

Scott and Joe

Scott and Joe message

J.C Claypool message

J.C Claypool message

Stuart Sullivan

Stuart Sullivan gives a message.

Ean Lynn Testimony

Ean gives his testimony

Raul Ruiz Testimony

Raul shares a message

Greg Griffin Message

Saved or self-deceived

Josh Sternadel

Josh Sternadel shares his journey

3rd Anniversary and Testimonials

The impact of CCC over the past 3 years from various men.

Jack Bryant

Our Plan vs. God’s Purpose

Bill Hackworth Message

Bill talks about staying in the story

Wes Guier

Wes speaks about relationships

Jim Erpelding Testimony

Jim gives his testimony

Jake Southern Testimony

Jake gives his testimony

Mike Trautman Message

Four Principles of Leadership

Scott and Joe Message

Scott and Joe tell how it all started

Family Day 2023

Parton Message

Damion Dashon Cooper - Toughness

Damion gives a message on toughness.

Brandon Steffen - Encouragement

Brandon Steffen gives some encouragement

Seth Tyler

Seth Tyler A Journey Through Unexpected Loss

Jim Slone

Jim Slone will be be speaking

Josh Baker


John Testimony

John talks about his life and how it all lead to his new mission

Jim Testimony

Jim gives his testimony

Ken Testimony

Ken shows us his balls...

Brandon & Mallory Testimony

Brandon and Mallory tell us how God changed their marriage

Jack Testimony

Jack gives his testimony

Rod Testimony

Rod speaks on accountability

Doug Testimony

Doug talks about how encounter changed his life

Jody Testimony

Jody tells a CRAZY story!